It can be cumbersome and time-consuming to deal with initial assessment and preparation of the dossier for ecolabel application. Our team of experts can make this process easy for you and manage the whole process up ‘til the award of an ecolabel. Using our approach we can almost guarantee you success with your ecolabeling application.
Click here to find out how we can assist you in applying for this type of eco-label.
EPD certification requires the assessment of product or service through its life cycle to calculate the environmental impacts. Our team members are world-leading experts in LCA and EPDs with hundreds of references to their names. We have access to the highest rated LCA software and databases for this purpose and will prepare and design your EPD to reflect your corporate look and image.
Click here to find out how we can assist you in applying for this type of eco-label.
Digital EPDs are machine-readable EPD information stored in a file format that can be used for different applications and will open new ways and opportunities to make use of and communicate of the environmental performance of products. Digital EPDs are come in XML format and follow the guidance of InData and ILCD/EPD format
The transformation of EPD information into the machine-readable format will broaden the opportunities for the application of EPD information in areas, such as public procurement, building environmental performance assessment and other environmental calculation tools.
Click here to access UKCoMDat,United Kingdom Construction Materials LCA/EPD Database, developed with our sponsorship, and get in touch to find out how we can assist you in creating for digitalization EPDs.
Around the world, the well-known ecolabelling schemes use our technical expertise in auditing and verification. We are independent, impartial and have many years of audit and verification experience across diverse sectors of the economy. Ecolabel schemes can rely on our expertise for audit and verification requirements brought together in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual team.
We offer impartial and third-party review for quality assurance for both the manufacturer (product and/or service owner) and the EPD Program Operator. For example, we act as an independent verifier for the Swedish International EPD System and Slovenian ZAG EPD Operator.
Our experts have extensive expertise and experience in setting up ecolabel scheme in multiple jurisdictions. An increase in environmental consciousness amongst consumers and the need for clean and sustainable production are encouraging many governments around to world to develop policies around labelling. Our team can assist governments in ecolabel system set-up, through selection of products groups to criteria development from life cycle perspective.
Increasingly, companies and public bodies are moving towards green procurement practices to facilitate the change to a green, sustainable economy. There are so many labels and declarations that it is not an easy task to differentiate between one claim and another in regarding environmental credentials. With our extensive, practical knowledge, we can assure you that your purchasing decision reflects the green credentials of your organisation.
Policy makers have a difficult task in encouraging the sustainable balance of production and consumption. Consumer behaviours, habits and perception all affect the implementation of policy around the promotion of ecolabelled products. It’s equally challenging to introduce novel sustainable and clean manufacturing techniques and technologies. Our experts have many years of experience in working with public and private bodies in translating policy development between these domains.