EU Ecolabel
Launched in 1992, the EU Ecolabel scheme promotes the production and consumption of products that have a reduced environmental impact in comparison to existing products on the market. Because the scheme works on a European level, it goes beyond the pre-existing national ecolabels that are often only known within national borders.
EU Ecolabel guarantees a high level of transparency, reliability and scientific credibility, which meets customers’ green demands. And, unlike other environmental information or labelling, no technical understanding is required to read and understand the label. By choosing Ecolabelled products, it is easy for consumers to make an environmentally friendly choice.
The EU Ecolabel logo is used for all the different product groups. This makes it easier to recognise quality products with better environmental performance, protecting the interests of consumers, producers and the environment.
Our consultancy services on EU Ecolabel includes:
- Information about EU Ecolabel and explanations of criteria per product group in detail
- Identification of required documents and declarations for compliance with criteria
- Preparation of application dossier for the product concern including all necessary calculations
- Technical evaluation of the dossier by the line Manager
- Opening an account with E-Cat system and making the application to the Competent Body
- Managing the application on behalf of the client during evaluation process
- Managing the formalities after the award of the EU Ecolabel
Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your requirements further.
Services>Type 1 Process Click here to find out how we can assist you in applying for Eu Ecolabel Category >Eu Ecolabel Click to see products that have Eu Ecolabel